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Dissemination plan

The dissemination plan corresponds closely with the three facets of the added value of the project: a) academic; b) training; c) social, to contribute to the development of health policy and economics

a) Regarding the dissemination of results in academia, the plan is:


1) To publish the results as a working paper in English in general collections (as in and / or specific health economics, as York University:

The immediate access by colleagues would eventually generate a valuable "feedback" after reviewing and interpreting the results. Additionally, the project webpage sontains up-to-date results as well as other relevant documents (data, methods, links to academic or related legal documents etc.).
2) To present the results in research seminars open to external researchers and / or professional conferences such as the International Health Economics Association World Conference, the Days of Health Economics, the Applied Economics Meeting, Symposium of Economic Analysis, EUPHA (European Public Health Association) Conferences and SESPAS (Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration) Conferences. Team members participate regularly in those meetings.

3) To submit the working papers for publication in scientific journals peer reviewed with high impact in the areas of Economics,  Health Economics and , Medicine and  Public Health: Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, European Journal of Health Eocnomics, Spanish Economic Review, Journal of Applied Economics, Economic Research, Tobacco Control, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, European Journal of Public Health, etc.

b) This project will strengthen the team as competitive group in Europe with sufficient critical mass to address challenges of R & D in health economics at European level in the near future. In fact, the project is structured in working packages, as the FP7 European projects. Different working groups from different institutions work together, each are taking responsibility for a Work Package, with cross-collaboration on multiple targets. Moreover, the project includes three milestones in their internal seminars, in which the up-to-date results will be presented. These seminars will have a component of "networking". We will  invite senior researchers of international institutions in order to explore posibilities of future collaboration.

c) In addition to the scientific documents we will write as deliverables committed to the completion of the project, we will elaborate an informative document setting out the implications of our findings for public policy. This document will be available on the project website and will be presented in conferences of Health Economics and Public Health. Conditional upon obtaining specific funding, we will print hard copies to distribute to decision makers, tax authorities, politicians and union representatives among other relevant agents for the public policies.